What KARPO GROUP wants?

We want you to operate professionally and utilize expertise in your developmental Activities/Efforts.

What is KARPO GROUP (Experts Group)?

KARPO GROUP (Experts Group) is a Group of Organizations, Working Groups, Activists and/or Experts working toward betterment of Situation in Afghanistan. Presently organizations like; CARPO NGO (Connections for Afghanistan Research and Prosperity Organizations), My Voice Weekly Newspaper, KARPO Group Media and Publications, KARPO Training Centers and KARPO Translating Services and KARPO Consulting Inc. form the Experts Group KARPO GROUP. KARPO GROUP is proud of providing technical assistance to AWCAC Afghan Women Coalition for Advancement and Contribution, Leer-Afghan and other organizations, Training Centers and NGOs as well as ABC Training Center in Afghanistan.

What is KARPO GROUP profit out of this support to others?

We are KARPO GROUP means Experts Group so we are supposed to be experts with a high hand of abilities in a field we would like to work and/or support a group. We need to enlarge our group and include new members to our Group in order to remain expert and expand our services. Each member at KARPO GROUP works in a professional field holding an expertise with a development organization in Afghanistan or other countries and beside that have a sense of helping others to operate professionally and have expertise while working toward a developmental mission in Afghanistan.

What is KARPO GROUPs Mission?

Providing technical and professional support to organizations, Activists and/or Groups working for betterment of situation in Afghanistan and leading Afghanistan toward standardization disregard to profit, race, religion and/or any kind of financial and or non financial profits

What is the main concern and/or Focus point of KG?

KG’s main concern is the situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan therefore; it focuses on efforts toward betterment of Human Rights Situation and elimination of Violence against Human Rights in Afghanistan.

What are the Activities and/or services KG provide?

Trainings in the field of management and technical fields
Translations and interpretations services
Media Advisor and publication services
Writing proposals and assisting in fundraising for NGOs
Providing Technical Assistance in establishment of any type of entities
Legal advisory services
Events organizing
And other services based on availability of experts with KARPO GROUP

Who is Director of KARPO GROUP or leading the GROUP?

There is no specific leader or Director to the Group, we are working like a group and leading through boards and core groups which each time a member of KARPO GROUP gets the leading responsibility of an Activity based on his/her expertise and qualification. The overall group activities are organized and facilitated by a General Facilitator selected periodically and the Founder of KARPO GROUP is responsible to take care of all the activities getting done through KG and or its members.
our services are currently unavailable

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