1 min read
04 Apr

Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has directed to allocate 430 million Afghanis to fight the spread of the Corona virus in 9 central, southern and southeastern provinces of the country.

In a newsletter published by the Presidential Palace, it is stated that Mr. Ghani raised this issue this evening (Saturday, 16 Hamal) in a joint video conference with the governors of Bamyan, Daikundi, Uruzgan, Ghazni, Kandahar, Logar, Paktia, Paktika and Khost provinces. has done.

According to the news release, out of the total of 430 million Afghani allocated to deal with the corona virus, 100 million is allocated for Kandahar, 60 million for each of Ghazni, Khost and Paktia provinces, and 60 million for each of Paktika, Logar, Erzagan, and Bamyan provinces. 30 million Afghanis have been allocated to Daikundi.

Also, Mr. Ghani has directed Fazl Mahmoud Fazli in this conference to take measures to meet the needs of provinces that need more ambulances and beds.

On the 27th of last year, Ashraf Ghani directed that the amount of 400 million Afghanis of emergency budget to deal with the spread and containment of the corona virus should be transferred to Herat province.

Also, in a conversation with the governors of Nimroz, Farah, Ghor, Badghis and Helmand, he also said that the government will provide 20 million Afghanis to each of Farah, Ghor and Badghis provinces and 50 million Afghanis to each of Nimroz and Helmand provinces to prevent the spread of Corona.

Mr. Ghani directed that the amount of 160 million Afghani be transferred to the provinces of Kandahar, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar and Nuristan to fight against the spread of the corona virus. From this total, 50 million Afghanis have been allocated to each of Kandahar and Nangarhar provinces, and 20 million Afghanis to each of these other provinces. For Kandahar, which was considered 50 million on this day, now 100 million has been allocated to it.

One day after this, he directed the allocation of 50 million Afghanis for each of Balkh and Faryab provinces and 20 million Afghanis for each of Samangan, Jawzjan and Sarpol provinces.
Also, on this day, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani directed that 20 million Afghani be allocated for each of the provinces of Parwan, Kapisa and Maidan Wardak. Also, 500 million Afghanis have been allocated to Kabul province to fight the corona virus.

At the same time, the number of people infected with the corona virus, including four NATO soldiers and two foreign diplomats, reaches 299. This number of incidents has been recorded in 22 provinces of the country. Out of the total number of patients, the health condition of 13 people has improved and the other seven have died.

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